How do I change the issue / topic / binder tab keyword assigned to profiles?
When reorganizing a database, often you need to assign new issues topics or binder tabs to a set of profiles that are already tagged but are now being reorganized and/or their associations changed.
For example:
- Changing an issue or topic into a binder tab of a different name, keeping all profiles previously linked to the issue or topic linked only to the binder tab.
- Changing a topic into an issue with a different name, with all profiles previously linked to the old topic linked only to the new.
- Changing an issue into a sub-issue of an existing issue, with all profiles previously linked to the old issue linked only to the sub-issue.
An overview of the process is
- Add new issue / topic / binder tab keywords.
- Select the profiles you want to link whether Documents, Extracts, Facts or Players to the appropriate new keyword.
- Unlink the old issue / topic / binder tab keyword from those profiles.
- Repeat these steps for each issue / topic / binder tab to be changed. Note that the key point is to add the new issue / topic / binder tab before removing the old one from profiles.
- Update the full text index.
Preparatory steps
1. If you are using a Domino server or MasterFile Hosted Services,
- If the database is not excessively large, then create a local replica as explained here of the case database and switch to it for all the steps described in this article.
- Otherwise, make sure you have backed up the database on the server normally and you are able to recover that file if you make an error from the backup as you will be working on the server copy.
- Regardless of the method you choose, ensure all users are no longer using the database on the server or their local copy, and have deselected the database icon on their workspace.
2. Exit Notes and navigate to your local Notes data directory. Assuming you're using default settings for MasterFile, it will be at:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Nots\Data\MF for standalone and Domino server users
- C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Nots\Data\VXXX999\MF for MasterFile Hosted Services users, where VXXX999 is your account.
3. Copy the case file (it ends in .NSF) to a new folder somewhere outside the Notes directory.
Add the new issue / topic / binder tab keywords
Add the new issue / topic / binder tab keywords next. This is the key point as you want to have your new keywords ready (and then linked) before removing any old ones.
Here, I'm creating 'Compensation' as a new sub-category of Financial Issues. I've left Impact assessment and Type as To Decide for this example.

Use the Everything by Issue / Topic view to select the profiles for which the issue / topic / binder tab is being changed
Using the Everything by Issue/Topic view, I select all the profiles that I want to associate with the issue 'Compensation' instead of the issue 'Sky High Elevators knew parts were defective'. I'm re-associating all the profiles linked to the old issue 'Sky High Elevators knew parts were defective' so each has a check mark beside it.
Do not select the first section 'About this issue' or any Players. Players must linked to the new keyword manually by opening the profile, placing it in edit mode, and then linking the new keyword and un-linking the old one from the profile's Links section.

and choose Global Add/Remove to update their issues.

In the Global Add/Remove dialog box
- Click Add
- Select the new Issue I created and
- Click OK.

Click Yes to confirm update.

Here are the profiles linked to the new issue 'Financial Issues\Compensation'. Note that the Player 'Steve Doherty' is linked as well as I updated his profile manually as described earlier.
Select the profiles again to ensure the count is the same. Remember not to select the first section 'About this issue' or any Players.

The count will show in the status bar at the left bottom of the window. You can click on it to pop it up if the count has scrolled and is not visible.

Un-linking the old issue / topic / binder tab keywords
As the profiles are selected, I can now unlink them from the original issue 'Sky High Elevators knew parts were defective' that I no longer want them linked to using Global Add/Remove as before, but this time, using Remove and selecting 'Sky High Elevators knew parts were defective' from the list.

Click Yes to confirm update.

All documents have been unlinked from the old issue. As you can see in the view, nothing is linked to the old issue anymore since I wanted to change them all for selected them all to change in this example. Player Steven Doherty was unlinked manually using the same process described earlier to manually link player profiles to the new issue.

Repeat these steps (starting at 'Use the Everything ...') for each issue / topic / binder tab being changed.
Updating the Full Text Index
Update the Full Text Index.

The status bar at the left bottom of the window will tell you when the FTI has finished updating. You can click on it to pop it up if it has scrolled and is not visible. If you do not see any result, you can pop up the Properties box for the database as explained in the last section of the article here to check if all documents are indexed.