Creating a new case or matter
You create a new database for every case or project that you work on.
The database stores all the information relevant to that project – documents, evidence, facts, scanned materials or images, audio/visual files, as well as your own argument and thoughts. It exists as one computer file on your disk or on the cloud. The single-file-per-case design eliminates backup and portability complexities too.
New cases and pre-configured Case Templates are all created from the MasterFile Template on your Workspace.
Double click on the MasterFile_Template to open it.

When the template opens, from the right menu panel [R+] click on Create > Database.

On the Create Database dialog that opens
- Your server name is pre-filled by default
- The filename field is prefixed with MF\. MasterFile Cloud users will see something similar to A99B999\MF\.

The Domino server field controls where the case or matter database is created.
If it is blank, or if you blank it out, your new case database is created locally on your computer; otherwise it is created on the cloud or on your on-premise server. Either way, you can replicate it up or down at anytime. We suggest using local databases to learn, test, or even bulk load as it is significantly faster. You can simply replicate afterwards to synchronize everything.
New case creation times on the cloud can take a couple of minutes or so. Sometimes in remote locations or poor Internet connection speed this can sometimes take up to 10 minutes. During this time, you might see 'Not responding' in the Notes window's title bar. Windows having not detected that Notes is actually working away, displays that message.
- Type your case name after the ... MF\ prefix; do not remove it.
The case name can be any description such as alpha-numeric case number, parties, or a general description like 'Research material', etc. - Press OK
The new case is created in a few seconds and opens.
- Click Start MasterFile or press Escape. Ignore the red line "If you just installed ..."

The Domino server field controls where the case or matter database is created and for standalone users is always blank. A blank field creates case databases locally on your computer.
- Type your case name after the ... MF\ prefix; do not remove it.
The case name can be any description such as alpha-numeric case number, parties, or a general description like 'Research material', etc. - Press OK
The new case is created in a few seconds and opens.
- Click Start MasterFile or press Escape. Ignore the red line "If you just installed ..."