Assigning reminder tasks to profiles
Often there are a variety of tasks that need to be completed for documents, extracts and facts. For example:
- A document, extract or fact has raised questions which other players need to resolve.
- A specific team member is required to review or complete fields in new document profiles., for example, linking new profiles to relevant issues, topics, or players.
- A document scanned from a poor copy may need to be re-scanned from an original.
To help you keep track of such tasks, for hundreds or thousands of documents, extracts and facts, you can set prioritized Reminders to profiles and assign them to individuals. Profiles with Reminders are listed in a variety of special views that group them by task, player, priority, document type, etc., as shown below. You can also simply enter reminder notes without assigning them and they will appear under the category "Unassigned reminder notes" in the "Reminders" views.

- From any view, open a document profile and double click in the profile window to edit it.
- Scroll down to 'Things to do' and click on 'Set Reminders'.

On the dialogue box that appears next,
- Pop up the "Player" field's keyword list and select a player to whom you wish to assign the tasks.

- In the "Tasks" field select the tasks you wish to assign to the individual selected from the pop-up list of Reminder tasks. You can select more than one task by clicking in the selection margin on the left. The tasks list is comprised of keywords you can customize to suit your needs as explained in Creating keywords.

- Next, in the "Priorities" field, enter a number followed by a space for each task to set its priority. Lower numbers mean higher priority.
- If needed, in the "Reminder notes" field, you can enter any notes about the task. If you enter "Reminder notes" without assigning an actual task, the profile will still appear in the Reminder views but under the category "Unassigned reminder notes".

- Click "Ok" when you're done, to assign all tasks.
High priority tasks for Alfred Jones showing in 'Things to do' for this case.

Note that only users assigned the "SeniorUser" MasterFile role (or only the profile managers if profile managers have been designated) may remove assigned tasks.
- Click on "Undo set reminders".

- Select assigned tasks you wish to remove. To select more than one, hold the Ctrl key down while you click on the rows.

- Click "Ok".
- Close and save the document profile to update.