Creating extracts
Generally, only small extracts of documents are important. Keeping track of and managing every one of these as you review is crucial since they contain the most critical evidence. The Extract Repository presents documents and summaries of their extracts together, which lets you quickly see what's important across all your documents at a glance.
1. via Highlighting
Highlighting key excerpts from your documents as you review is the primary way to create extracts and flag what's important.

- Scroll down to the 'OCR/Transcript ...' section. Note that you can expand or collapse sections using
- View > Expand / Collapse.
- Clicking on the twisty (triangle).
- Clicking on the '+' or '-' buttons on the profile's button bar.
- Expand the OCR/Transcript ... section.
Note that several extracts made during prior review already exist and are shown in the table on the right.
- Highlight the lines you need and click 'Make Extract'.
A new extract profile with the lines you highlighted lines is created and linked to the source document.
The extract's segment type is prefilled.
- Enter a short description of the extract in the required, red summary field.
If you're done,
- Save and close the extract profile by clicking the 'Save and close' disk icon. Clicking 'X' on the profile's tab or pressing Escape will also prompt you to save the profile before it closes.
To save the profile and continue working
- Click File > Save from the top menu bar.
The other fields in an Extract profile are all optional. For example, you might link the extract to a relevant issue in the issue outline, set a reminder task, etc.
The extract profile closes and is listed in the table on the right in the screenshot below.
- Close the document profile.
Expanding the document's twisty from the view, shows you all its extracts including the new one just created.
- Extracts are identified in views by their yellow torn page icons.
- You can expand/hide all extracts at one go using View > Expand/Collapse from the top menu bar.
- Click 'Go to Document' from an open extract's menu bar as shown below From an open extract to go to its parent or source document. The first line of the extract in the 'OCR/Transcript/Full Text of Document' section, is highlighted. If no text exists in the source document's 'OCR/Transcript/Full Text of Document' (you had manually created the extract) the source document's file attachment will be automatically opened.