Doc-links are hyperlink buttons that point to profiles and provide instant access to other document, extract and fact profiles.
For example, you can use doc-links to link your arguments set out in fact profiles to the substantiating evidence (as shown below), identify the documents that were attached to a letter, or the exhibits in an affidavit or amended versions of a document, and so forth. Doc-links can even hyperlink to documents, reference materials, authorities and other research documents, patents, video segments, etc. in other case/investigation or reference MasterFile databases.
Doc-links are not links to files stored on your computer or server. They are links to other profiles stored in the MasterFile repository, so they always work, even when you're disconnected from your office network and using a MasterFile replica.

In edit mode, most shaded fields contain an "Insert doc-link" button. Click it to display a list of fact, document and extract profiles fro which you can choose those to link to by inserting doc-links. Doc-links inserted by this button are added at the top of the field above a short dashed line.

On the button bar at the top of the profile, there is also an icon for other doc-link operations. Using 'Insert doc-link' or 'Insert external doc-link' will do the same, however, rather than inserting the doc-link at the top of the field, these functions insert doc-links in-line with your text on a new line following the cursor. We suggest you first press <Enter> and then insert doc-links with these buttons.
'Insert external doc-link' creates doc-links to profiles in external MasterFile databases. You're first asked to select the MasterFile database and then select the profile(s) you need.
'Doc-link to clipboard' creates and places a doc-link to the current profile on the clipboard so you can paste it into any shaded field.

You can read more about using doc-links, here.