How do I use a view's column header arrows?
In the column headers of all views, there are a set of curved arrows on the left, and sometimes, a curved arrow slightly below and to the right of a column title. These let you switch the displayed view quickly. They are also very useful when linking documents. In the "Sources of Fact, Arguments and counter-arguments" section of a Fact profile for example, clicking "Insert doc-link" calls up the database browser and the column header arrows let you switch its view to browse to and quickly locate what you need to link.
When you click Insert doc-link in a fact profile as shown below, ...

the database browser is displayed. The database browser has three unique curved arrows. Clicking on these switches the database browser's display to the following views respectively
- facts by Relevance
- documents by Date
- players
Once you have switched to a specific view, then the curved arrows in column headers in that view of the database browser work exactly as explained below for regular views.

Column title curved arrows
If a column header has a curved arrow, depressing it will switch to that view.
Press the Doc Type's arrow, ...

and you switch to the by Doc Type view. The same document(s) remains selected if they are in the view you've switched to.

Curved arrows - common functions

The curved arrows you see at the top left of views work in all view types.
Left (#1) arrow
- Clicking arrow #1 in a view group (Documents, Research, Extracts, Facts or Chronologies) switches to the by Issue/Topic of that view. So for example, clicking #1 in the by Date view in the Documents group switches to the by Issue/Topic view in the Documents group.
- Clicking arrow #1 in the by Issue/Topic views of that view group (Documents, Research, Extracts, Facts, Chronologies or Players) switches to the everything by Issue/Topic view of the Everything group
- Clicking arrow #1 in the Everything group views, toggles between the views in the Everything group, everything by Issue/Topic and everything by Issue/Topic X-Tab.
- Clicking arrow #1 in the players by Name view, switches to the players by Issue/Topic view of the Keywords : Players group.
Arrow #2 switches you a section related to the one you're in.
Facts being related to chronologies, Arrow #2 flips you between them.
Documents being related to research, Arrow #2 flips you between them. Since extracts are an aspect of documents, arrow #2 flips you from the extracts section to research too.
Right (#2) arrow
- Clicking arrow #2 in the Documents view group switches to the first view in the Research view group, research by Date.
- Clicking arrow #2 in the Extracts view group toggles between the extracts by From or extracts by Doc Type , in the same Extracts group.
- Clicking arrow #2 in the Facts view group switches to the first view in the Chronologies view group except in their by issue/topic views which toggles between them.
- Clicking arrow #2 in the Chronologies view group switches to the first view in the Facts view group, facts by Relevance.
Arrow #1 examples
- At [L+ Documents > by Date], click arrow #1 and ...

you switch to [L+ Documents > by Issue/Topic]. Selected document(s) remain selected in the new view.

If one of the selected profiles is not present in the view being switched to, it can't be selected. Therefore, only profiles that appear in the view switched to remain selected. If none are present, an arbitrary profile or the first profile in the view is selected. See the Arrow #2 example for [L+ Facts > by Relevance] below.
At [L+ Facts > by Relevance], click arrow #1 and ...

you switch to Facts > by Issue/Topic. Selected document(s) remain selected in the new view.

Then, at [L+ Facts > by Issue/Topic], click arrow #1 and ... you switch to [L+ Everything > everything by Issue/Topic]. Selected document(s) remain selected in the new view.

Arrow #2 examples
At [L+ Facts > by Relevance], click arrow #2 and ...

you switch to the first view in the Chronologies group, [L+ Chronologies > by Event date]. Selected document(s) remain selected in the new view.

In this case, the selected fact was not a chronological event. Since only chronological fact(s) can appear in the [L+ Chronologies > by Issue/Topic] view, there is nothing to select and the cursor is placed at an arbitrary fact or the first in the view.