Key Notes
Please click on each option's pop up help prefix ("?") for more detailed information about it.
Processing batches
When you start a document service that requires the Evidence Cruncher, MasterFile will process the documents selected in batches of 15. The Evidence Cruncher Working folder, a subfolder to the MasterFile folder, itself contains several subfolders. Files in a batch are extracted and saved in the "INPUT" subfolder and processed files or files produced by the Evidence Cruncher are put in "OUTPUT", "PDF", "OCR", "LOG" or "ERROR" subfolders as appropriate.
If errors occur during OCR/PDF crunching, the [L+ Evidence Cruncher > docs: by Crunch Status] view explained below will display them. Clicking on the title of the "Errors reported by Evidence Cruncher" column sorts the view to bring all documents with errors together.

Some errors are not reported in the view and if this occurs, you will be advised. These errors will be reported in the log files in the "LOG" subfolders. Review these to find out more information about these error. Extracted or converted files may remain in the subfolder under the Evidence Cruncher Working folder on your computer.
"Re-crunch" forces the Evidence Cruncher to use the source file (that is, the second attachment in the profile) and re-create the PDF document and reload the text. The existing PDF document, if any, and any OCR text loaded from it, is erased and replaced.
Only Selected
When you use "Only selected" to process selected documents, due to a limitation within IBM Notes, the order in which they are processed will not be the order in which they appear in the view; therefore printed documents may be in random order.
Output filenames
When you crunch a folder, the files are renamed to include a unique number ID suffix so they can be identified as already crunched. This is necessary should an error occur and you restart processing of the directory. The ID's format is "-- UNID-0000000 " where "0000000" is replaced by the document's sequence number during processing. The output PDF and OCR files will also have "-- EC" inserted into their file names so you're able to identify them.
Redacted or alternate image field

Document profiles can contain an alternate image that can be used during production. This image is stored in the "Redacted or alternate image for Evidence Cruncher" profile field.
Determining which documents are crunched

If you need to determine which documents are crunched, missing OCR, etc. select the documents to analyze and click on [R+ Evidence Cruncher > Verify Crunch Status].

When processing ends, profiles are placed in the [L+ Evidence Cruncher > docs: by Crunch Status] view below in one of the following categories:
- Is OCR/PDF Crunched
- No document attached to profile
- No PDF attached to profile
- Has OCR but no document
- Has OCR but document is not PDF
- PDF without OCR text
- Unknown ... OCR and PDF have 02% - 25% difference in size
- Unknown ... OCR and PDF have 25% - 50% difference in size
- Unknown ... OCR and PDF have 50% - 75% difference in size
- Unknown ... OCR and PDF have > 75% difference in size
- Ignore during Verify Crunch Status
- Queue for OCR/PDF Crunch

If no profiles exist in a category, like all other categories and views, its red section heading will not display.
You can also check the crunch status within a document profile itself. Expand the "Attachment Families / Additional Information" section and scroll to "Miscellaneous > OCR/PDF Crunch Status" as shown below.