HelpMasterFileGetting StartedCreating a document profile

Creating a document profile

Document profiles are automatically created when you load documents via the Watch Folder or Express Load. Sometimes, however, you may want to add a specific file to the case manually. In that case, here are the steps.

Click Create > Document

The blank document profile opens. The document profile contains many optional sections and fields to collect various data and notes, etc. The only fields you must complete are those in the Required section in red.

Drag and drop the file into the first grey field as shown.

You can also copy the file and right click and paste into the same field or click and press Ctrl-v.

Note that in some cases you only need extracts of certain key passages of a book or article or some other document that you either can not or do not want to attach in whole. You do not have to attach any document to a profile. You can create a profile with no document attached, classify it and then create related extracts of the key information you need.

Fill out the profile's red section to classify the document.

  • Click Select document type and the Document types list is displayed. As this is an article, click the twisty called "Articles" and pick Internet web site. If there is no entry for the document type we need, we can dismiss the Document types dialog, create a new keyword for it leaving our partly finished document profile as is, and then resume. Please see Creating keywords.

Complete the red section by entering

  • the document's date,
  • whose document it is,
  • the author, and optionally, any recipients,
  • a brief summary, and
  • an original location, which could be a folder, file box number or just MasterFile itself.

As for document types, if the author is not found in the dialog list displayed by clicking the arrow next to a field (red square below) you can dismiss it and create a new Keyword : player. See Creating keywords.

Since this document was loaded manually, and is a PDF, we should extract its text -- if any. If the PDF is simply an image, there will be none to extract until it is OCRed with the Evidence Cruncher. If you do not have the Evidence Cruncher, you should OCR documents first, then load.

  1. Save the profile using File > Save. Note that the heading now shows the details you entered in the red section.
  2. Collapse all the sections using the Collapse all button on the profile's button bar or using View > Collapse all sections.
  3. Expand the OCR section.

You can simply scroll down to the OCR section as well, if you prefer.

Click Insert OCR/Transcript.

In the dialog shown

  1. Click Extract text from this profile's PDF; you may see the text being copied, and flash briefly for feedback. If the text length is long, i.e. several hundred or thousand lines, you'll see the count update in the status bar in chunks of hundreds or thousands as OCR is loaded.
  2. Click OK

The PDF's OCR text has been paginated to match the PDF and placed in the OCR section of the document's profile as shown below.

Extracts of key information are created simply from here during review. Please see Creating extracts.

Save and close the document from the button bar, or close the document's tab. You'll be reminded to save the document in that case.