HelpTimelineViewsRelationship views

Relationship views

The Relationship view presents a vertical timeline view of case events. Dates and times are still visible under each event and optionally, elapsed time is also displayed between successive events - which can be very important in medical and other litigation.

Events in this view are also cross-referenced by roles and issues on an optional grid which can be instrumental in uncovering new insights. You can cross-reference events by any roles or groups set in the timeline from MasterFile.

You can switch between the Timeline View and the Relationship View from the View menu, or by clicking on the respective toolbar icon above.


  1. Groups such as Issues, Relevance, etc. are shown in this area. Here, issues are visible.
  2. The thumb is used to scroll other issues and roles into view in the cross-reference display.
  3. An icon at an intersection represents an event linked to that issue. Although you can click on any intersection to set or remove the role for that relationship, we do not suggest you do so; rather update the event's categories, impact, or issue etc., in the MasterFile case and then resend that one fact to Timeline so that both are consistent.


  1. The settings cog can be used to select which roles and issues are visible. Here, we've selected one issue, Medication\DSW, and Relevance and Impact Assessment, which are visible in the grid behind.
  2. To reorder entities within their groups, click and drag them into a different order. To re order groups, click and drag the group name (Relevance, Issue, etc.) to the new spot.
  3. You can expand events in the Relationship view too, like event 22, 7:00:00 am Aug 12, 1992, where the link to the event's fact profile in MasterFile is visible.