As your timeline gets more cluttered and complex, filtering can be useful to reduce visible events down to ones you are interested in at the time. You can filter events based on their date ranges, tags, individual properties, and their relationships with players, etc. You can also create complex filters using AND or OR and save these to reload in future, giving you quick access to any common filter you need.
Applying a Filter
- Click the Filter icon to activate it.

- The filter bar which slides down at the top of the timeline view will be empty the first time you open it.
- Clicking "Click to add filter" brings up the filter wizard.

Adding to a Filter
Each filter condition is composed of a field that "HAS" an option you select from the list shown above, and a value. You can optionally choose events that do "NOT" match too.
- Once you have entered the field and value, press Enter or click the "+" to apply that filter to the timeline.
- Clicking "Click to add filter" again lets you add a second condition. For each additional condition, you can choose whether to use AND (match both) or OR (match either) logic in combining the filters.
Value: Any text string typed by the user.
Action: Any event that contains that text somewhere in the title is matched.
Ranges (such as Date)
Exact values
- “2012”: Matches any event that overlaps with part of the year 2012.
- “March 2012”: Matches any event that overlaps with part of March 2012.
Comparison Values
- “>= 2012”: Matches any event that ends after 1/1/2012 00:00:00.
- "> 2012”: Matches any event that ends on or after 1/1/2013 00:00:00.
- “<= 2012”: Matches any event that starts before 1/1/2013 00:00:00.
- “< 2012”: Matches any event that starts before 1/1/2012 00:00:00.
- "before 2012”: Same as < 2012.
- "after 2012”: Same as > 2012
Entities -- Percentage, Colour, Disputed by who,
Entity (all types), Event dates, Impact Assessment,
Impacted Party, Issue, Relevance
Value: Chosen from the displayed list.
When using one of the entity types as the field, the filter will match any event that has a relationship with that entity.
- Click "None" to match events that do not have any relationships to the specific entity type.
Any Property in timeline settings set to “Single-line Text” or “Multi-line Text.
Values: Any text string typed by the user.
Turning filtering off
- Click the Filter icon to disable filtering. The last filters in effect will be applied the next time you turn filtering on.
Saving and loading filters
- To save a filter, click on the cog icon on the left hand side of the filter bar, and choose "Save".
- Click on the cog icon and then choose "Load" to select and apply previously saved filter.