Installing Evidence Cruncher
The Evidence Cruncher extensions manage OCR, PDF conversion, near duplicate processing, production, exhibit and filing briefcases and other specialized tasks.
MasterFile should already be running and installed on this workstation.
If this is a new workstation, or you have just installed applications such as Word, Word Perfect, Acrobat, etc., start and complete and dismiss permanently any start-up, registration, informative or 'help' pop-up screens that require user input.
After the license and splash screens are shown, you will see the dialog box below.

- Click 'Next'.
The default installation of the Evidence Cruncher as a Windows application. It can also be run as a service, but will increase Windows boot times slightly instead of initializing when invoked from MasterFile the first time. The delay is less than 5 seconds.
- Enter your Windows administrator password in the field shown.
- Click 'Next'.
To run the Evidence Cruncher as a service, you must be logged on with a local Windows administrator account. Check with your local technical staff if you are unsure.
The following window will be displayed. You will need your ABBYY serial number or dongle.

- Click 'OK'

- Click 'Close'.
- Follow the prompts until you see a prompt asking you to insert your dongle. Do so and then follow the next set of instructions.
- Click 'Add new'. The following screen is shown.

- Paste the ABBYY serial number you received from MasterFile.
- Click 'Add'.
- The serial number is shown as above.
- Click 'OK'.
The following screen is shown.

- Click 'Next',
If the ABBYY serial is propeerly configured, the ABBYY license manager will show you the newly added serial and its status as 'Active'. Any other active, expired or inactive serials will also be shown; if you have more than one active serial, all will be used to calculate your monthly or countdown OCR page limits.

- Click 'Close'.
The Evidence Cruncher's PDF Converter engine is installed next and the following 'Attention' screen is displayed.
- Drag it to one side.
When the contents of the screen below look similar to the screen above ...

- Click 'Converter > Stop'.
- Click 'Converter > Exit', and then 'Yes' to confirm.
- Click 'OK' on the Attention screen shown earlier to dismiss it.
Installation continues.

- Click 'Next'.

- Click 'OK' to end installation.
Post installation steps
- Start Notes, and open the MasterFile template.
- Click [R+ Administration > Administration Settings] and then 'OK'.

- Click [R+ Administration > User Settings] and then 'OK'.

You're all set.