HelpNotes/Domino BasicsNotesWhen do I need a local database replica?

When do I need a local database replica?

Local replicas are an exact copy of a server case database (also called a server replica).

You can continue working on a local replica as if you are connected to your Domino server. When you reestablish connection via the Internet or in your office, you simply replicate to synchronize all work bi-directionally. Any Domino server user can create a local replica at any time. Domino tracks the synchronization so even if one or more people worked on the same document, all changes will be synchronized and flagged as 'replication conflicts' so no work is lost. You would then review any conflicts to update the primary version and delete the others.

In this article we explain when and why to use local replicas.

Slow or potentially no Internet connection

If you're travelling and know you will have no or slow Internet, then you need a local replica. Simply create one before you leave the office and continue working on the replica. You can synchronize when you return.

Replicas are also often the only way to function in depositions or in court, where you have no Internet.

Slow or no Internet connection and you need to create a new case

You do not need to always create a new case on the server. It can be created locally and in cases with slow or no Internet, is the recommended method. This way, the new case database resides only on your computer, you can continue to work normally. When you return to the office or have fast Internet create a new replica -- but this time to your server rather than from the server to your workstation. Once it's on the server, you can continue to work locally and other firm members in the office can work off the server -- or now, make their own replicas if they're travelling, etc.

Bulk loading documents

It is often much faster to load documents to a local replica and then replicate since there is no network traffic to and from the server, which even in an office LAN, can be significant. This may not slow normal operations, but loading 1,000's of documents avoids server and network overhead. Simply create a new local replica, switch to it and load documents, replicating thereafter to transfer them all to the server. Several people can do so simultaneously speeding up loading, and then replicate. No replication conflict documents will be created as new documents are being created.


If you want to move a case off the server, or archive it, simply create a replica. That case's NSF file can then be copied from your workstation's Notes data area to your archival area and an administrator can delete it off the server.

Creating and using replicas